Goodbye Angel Friend

Sometimes our lives are touched by someone in such a way that can never be properly expressed. You meet someone whose inner beauty and love just hugs you and never lets go. I lost one of those people today. A boy I met 8 years ago at varsity. He was so talented you could feel creativity pouring from him. But so much more than that was who he was as a person. I went back to university at the age of 27, my classmates being much younger, filled me with the awe and wonder that youth brings. AJ, my cine, my photographer, my sounding board, my friend. Oh the memories. Observatory in its heyday and long AFDA hours filming, running between my house and the Y. We laughed together and cried together. Today I have to say goodbye and I am struggling to accept that someone so beautiful is gone from my life. There are few people I keep in my life, and our long distance conversations and jokes and endless messages meant the world to me. You reached out to me and lifted me up when I was in my darkest hour, now I don’t know if I ever thanked you, or if I offered the same support back. I do know that I have a hole in my heart that I am not sure I can ever fill, and that I am angry that in a world with so many assholes, an angel was taken. You will never be forgotten. I will cherish you always with much love and respect. xoxox

