An Untitled Life (WIP)

Charlie slammed her palms down on the table, hissing with frustration. No words. None. A blank page. She missed those years of extreme emotional turmoil, crazy in love, shattered in heartbreak. Oh, how the words were a waterfall she was trying to catch in a glass. Now. Nothing. Like the page. “Life. Is this what it does to everyone?”, she asked aloud to a barely surviving fern on her desk. She plomped herself onto the edge of her bed, looking around at nothing, then gazed at a spot on the wall. She was tired. Tired of the nothingness. This empty bubble of air she lived in. How is a writer supposed to write with nothing inside of them? Could she write about nothingness? She let out a giant “aarrgghhhh” as she got up, steadying herself, like a tight ropewalker, through a mild head rush.

All the prompts in the world were not going to help Charlotte with her writer’s block. She had a lot to say, she always had. Somehow, over the last few years her light and voice had begun dimming. She felt at ease just melting into the background of everyone’s life and to be frank, nobody had seemed to notice, and when she did speak no one seemed to hear. She had slowly gone from friend to acquaintance from interesting to silent. Oddly, she wasn’t unhappy, in fact she would probably say she was content. There wasn’t “joyous occasion” or despair, there was just the mundane and comfortable. So, while she missed the action, she had run out of the energy for it and had become quite accustomed to her humdrum existence. Except when she had to write or feel and, for her, these two things were inextricably linked. There could not be one without the other. She sat back down at her desk and opened the academic article she had to edit for a client.  She poured her water glass, half empty, into the fern pot.  

Word Cloud Writing

I think we all have moments where writer’s block plants it’s butt firmly in our brains and refuses to budge. There are loads of tips and prompts that come up if you google search. I thought I would share one of my tried and tested methods, it works for me, so I thought it may be helpful to others. WORD CLOUD WRITING.

Copy and paste three different verses from three different songs or poems and pop them into a word cloud generator.

Use the magically created word cloud to try and create a title for a piece of free writing OR try and put together a bunch of nonsense sentences. Nothing needs to make sense. they idea is to see things in a different way. Let your brain step outside of grammar and punctuation and logical and flow.

Here is an example:

Word Cloud Fun

It peeked out of the closet. A mischief dusted mouse face with stargazer eyes. The dirty little nose twitched, and the funny doggy tail swished.

Give it try and let me know if it works for you. See another example below:

She descended uncontrollably into an awkward life soundtrack. The sun lingered, but silent shadows watched and lingered like a movie playing in the dark.